Modern power supply solutions

New technologies in the field of power engineering and the use of electricity also bring about major changes in the power supply as well as ensuring stability, reliability and security of the power supply systems. Distributed generation of electricity and new-generation consumers (electric vehicles, heat pumps, self-sufficiency, etc.) present major changes in the power supply system, as well as its characteristics.

Our solutions in this field include state-of-the-art technologies in the field of electricity storage and comprehensive systems and integration in the control systems and digital IIoT platforms.


Optimization of electricity utilization through the introduction of advanced battery storage devices

Together with ELES, the system operator of the power supply network, we offer a comprehensive solution for the optimization of electricity utilization by introducing advanced battery storage devices. In the initial phase, the client can carry out a feasibility study and subsequent implementation and comprehensive engineering in this field.

With our help, you can increase the added value of your battery investment and shorten your return on investment.



Baterijski hranilniki

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